Our Safety Vision
Building EHSCity to be the best place to work by creating, together, a safe and healthy workplace.
Our Mission
To create a safe and healthy work environment by:
uCreating individual ownership and responsibility,
uBuilding a process focused on prevention of injuries and illnesses, and
uIntegrating safety and health into all business activities and processes.
Our Safety Principles
uWe strive to prevent all incidents which may lead to injuries and illnesses.
uWe expect and require all employees to work safely.
uWorking safely is a condition of employment.
uLeadership must create and support the environment to prevent all injuries and illnesses by:
uProviding a safe and healthy work environment,
uTraining all employees,
uImmediately reporting, investigating and resolving all unsafe conditions and acts, and
uRegarding safety as a business value, and equal to production, quality and cost control.