they should pass the exam and have the certificate, because they are working in China, anyone who work in China must follow Chinese laws/regulations
點擊 1313回答 1
2011-08-25 14:39
外國工程師是否需要考特種作業(yè)操作證?![]() ![]() Here is a big trouble for me. We have nearly 90 foreign engineers for electricity commissioning work in the project sites in China. These engineers signed the contract with enterprise headquarter in Germany, and are delegated to China for project support and service. They all received perffessional trainings and certificates from our enterprise headquater. My question is ---- Should they have to pass the Special Operator examination and get the certificates from governmental department in China? If they don't have this kind of certificate, will our enterprise in China take over the non-compliance result and responsibility? Any one has this kind of experience? 來源:世界級EHS管理協(xié)會 |
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2011-09-06 13:57
they should pass the exam and have the certificate, because they are working in China, anyone who work in China must follow Chinese laws/regulations