As per the national code concerned ( GB50074-2002), it's not recommended of using underground type for the oil tank design on the condition that there is any SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS .....on the contrary, they suggest using over ground type.However,it's also not mandatory clause.
Here is some clauses available for your information.
“6.0.1 石油庫的油罐設(shè)置應(yīng)采用地上式,有特殊要求時(shí)可采用覆土式、人工洞式或埋地式。
1 甲、乙類油品的儲存量,不應(yīng)大于車間2d的需用量,且不應(yīng)大于2m3。
2 丙類油品的儲存量不宜大于10m3。
5 存油量不大于5m3的丙類油品儲罐(箱),可直接設(shè)置在丁、戊類生產(chǎn)廠房內(nèi)的固定地點(diǎn)。
6 油罐的通氣管管口應(yīng)設(shè)在室外。甲、乙類油品儲罐的通氣管管口應(yīng)高出屋面1m,與廠房門、窗之間的距離不應(yīng)小于4m。”
As we know there are at least two kinds of diesel oil under use, one is so called Light Diesel oil and another is Heavy Diesel oil. According to fire risk classfication clauses,light diesel oil belongs to type 乙 but heavy diesel oil remains with type 丙. So it's recommended to check the oil type used in prior any actions.