CANBERRA, an AREVA Company, has been serving the nuclear community for over four decades. The company is the leading provider of innovative and cost-effective nuclear measurement solutions used to maintain safety of personnel, assess the health of nuclear facilities and safeguard the public and the environment.
CANBERRA operates production and engineering facilities worldwide. Our 1000+ employees are all focused on bringing the very best nuclear technology to your operation.
Colibri TTC & Colibri VLD: Hand-Held Health Physics Communication ALARA* Platform
Colibri is a comprehensive health physics instrument with unique characteristics that can lower the dose exposure of HP technicians and other workers in radiation areas. The "always on" gamma dose feature ensures the worker is always informed – even when using the Colibri for contamination surveys with attached probes. The Colibri also allows for wireless data collection from pre-positioned detectors that can be placed in radiation areas – eliminating the need to attach probes, get close to the source – then manually transcribe data. Walk into the room – and Colibri performs the survey for you – allowing exit from the rad area in a fraction of the normal time.
Colibri is available in two different versions:
- TTC (grey gasket) – for radiation area measurements up to 10 Sv/h (1000 rem/h). Colibri TTC will not saturate in case of a sudden increase of radiation and will always provide the user with a reliable and precise dose-rate information when most other conventional instruments will stop measuring. Thus, Colibri TTC is the ideal tool for daily survey inside nuclear buildings, for radiation post accident follow-up and emergency response follow-up (dose and contamination).
- VLD – Very Low Dose (red gasket) for public area measurements starting from 10 nSv/h (1 µrem/h). Colibri VLD is the smallest versatile instrument capable of measuring precisely and quickly background level of dose-rate changes starting from 10 nSv/h with a saturation limit that allows quantification of significant dose-rate hazard.
The large color touch screen reports real- time, error-free measurements for up to eight CSP-CANBERRA Smart Probes (seven via Bluetooth and one via CSP standard cable) while always displaying dose-rate at worker location.
Colibri now compatible with VSDS -
Specification (Data) SHEets
- French Data Sheet
- US Data Sheet

*ALARA = As Low As Reasonably Achievable
- TTC: H*(10) dose rate equivalent measurement from background up to 10 Sv/h (1000 rem/h)
- VLD (Patent pending): H*(10) dose rate equivalent measurement from 10 nSv/h to 1 mSv/h (1 µrem/h to
100 mrem/h)
- Multiple CSP™ probe host controller
- Mapping applications with GPS, Barcode or RFID reader
- Multiple usability levels via profile and user management
- Easy data transfer and instrument setup with standard PC web browser
- Background subtraction mode
- Timer/Scaler for better MDA
- Large data storage
- Traceability: When, How, Who, Where for each record
- Wired or wireless probe connection
- Large control buttons to accommodate use with gloves
- Large color touch screen
- Easy to read display in all light conditions
- Waterproof to 1 meter depth
- Rechargeable batteries with no memory effect
- Always visible dose-rate display for better user safety
- Standard Bluetooth® headset connection
- Loud audio alarm and vibrator
- Free and easy to upgrade software via PC connection