Personal safety
Following steady improvements in our safety performance in recent years, in 2012 we remained close to our lowestever number of injuries per million working hours, the total recordable case frequency (TRCF). We achieved our lowest-ever rate of injuries that led to time off work in 2012, the lost-time injury frequency (LTIF). Sadly, however, eight people lost their lives while working for Shell in 2012.
This was two more than in 2011. Three fatalities were industrial accidents during construction and operations, two were armed attacks in Nigeria, two were road transport incidents, and one was an occupational illness related to air travel.
Our fatal accident rate (FAR) – the number of fatalities per 100 million hours worked – worsened in 2012 compared to 2011,
when we achieved the lowest FAR that Shell has recorded.
Process safety
At Shell, we place great emphasis on process safety management. This means making sure our facilities are well designed, well operated and well
maintained, so that they can run safely, without harm to people or the environment. We have rigorous controls in place and monitor indicators that focus on the strength of these controls to prevent incidents. We follow industry standards for measuring process safety performance. In 2012, we
recorded 91 Tier 1 process safety incidents (as defi ned in line with oil and gas industry guidelines) related to our operations, an improvement compared to 2011. We investigate and learn from these incidents in order to improve our performance.